Cell Structure DefinitionsPlay hangman and get to know more definitions related to cell structure topichttps://go-math-science.com/biology/cell-structure/definitionshttps://go-math-science.com/@@site-logo/logo-new.png
Cell Structure Definitions
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transmission electron microscope
scanning electron microscope
cell wall
unicellular organisms
multicellular organism
chemical homeostasis
A scientist that study cells
A microscope that magnifies objects from 4x to 80x to investigate much larger objects, also called dissecting microscopes
A microscope which utilizes a beam of electrons that travel in shorter wavelengths than those of photons in visible light
A microscope which focuses electrons that bounce off the specimen
A structural layer surrounding some types of cells, just outside the cell membrane
Organisms that carry out all necessary life-supporting functions within one cell without the help of other cells.
An organism that consists of more than one cell
Everything within cell plasma membrane, except nucleus is called
Inside cell membrane, a homogeneous mixture of two or more components in which the particles of the different substances are so small that they cannot be distinguished
Inside the cell, usually contains particles that are too small to be seen but are large enough not to form a true solution
In cell, the condition of constant internal environment