
How a Bill Becomes Law

publish date2024/03/14 19:54:00 UTC


If the President vetoes (refuses to sign) a bill, it takes \(\frac23\) of those voting in the House of Representatives (and the Senate) to override the veto for it to become law. If all 435 members of the House cast a vote, how many of their votes does it take to override a presidential veto?

votes =

Correct Answer

(1) 290



  • It takes \(\frac23\) of those voting to override a veto (Given)
  • All 435 members of the House cast a vote (Given)
  • How many votes does it take to override a Presidential veto? (Find)


The key phrase \(\frac23\) of suggests that we are to find a part of the 435 possible notes using multiplication.

We translate the words of the problem to numbers and symbols

(The number of notes needed in the house override a veto)  is equal to \(\frac23\)  (the number of House members that vote)

The number of votes needed in the House to override a veto = \(\frac23 \cdot 435\)


To find the product, we will express 435 as a fraction and then use the rule for multiplying two fractions

Write 435 as a fraction: 435 = \(\frac{435}{1}\)

$\frac23 \cdot 435 = \frac23 \cdot \frac{435}{1}$

Multiply the numerators.  Multiply the denominators

$= \frac{2 \cdot 435}{3 \cdot 1}$

To prepare to simplify, write 435 in prime-factored form: 3 • 5 • 29

$= \frac{2 \cdot 3 \cdot 5 \cdot 29}{3 \cdot 1}$

Remove the common factor of 3 from the numerator and denominator

$\require{cancel} = \frac{2 \cdot \cancel{3}^1 \cdot 5 \cdot 29}{\cancel{3}_1 \cdot 1}$

Multiply the remaining factors in the numerator: 2 • 1 • 5 • 29 = 290.  Multiply the remaining factors in the denominators: 1 • 1 = 1

$= \frac{290}{1}$

Any whole number divided by 1 is equal to that number

$= 290$


It would take 290 votes in the House to override a veto


We can estimate to check the result.  We will use 440 to approximate the number of House members voting.  Since \(\frac12\) of 440 is 220, and since \(\frac23\) is a greater part than \(\frac12\), we would expect the number of votes needed to be more than 220.  The result of 290 seems reasonable.


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