Percents, Decimals, and Fractions

Percents are everywhere. Stores use them to advertise discounts, manufacturers use them to describe the contents of their products.

Increasing or decreasing by a given percentage

Questions  (4)

Explain the meaning of a percent

Questions  (7)

Can a percent be written as a fraction?

Questions  (6)

To write a percent as a decimal, recall that a percent can be written as a fraction with denominator 100 and that a denominator of 100 indicates division by 100

Questions  (9)

To write a percent as a decimal, we drop the % symbol and move the decimal point 2 places to the left. To write a decimal as a percent, we do the opposite: we move the decimal point 2 places to the right and insert a % symbol.

Questions  (5)

We use a two-step process to write a fraction as a percent. First we write the fraction as a decimal. Then we write that decimal as a percent.

Questions  (5)

An exercise showing how percents could be used in practical situations

Questions  (8)

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