
Find the measures of the following angles

publish date2023/03/26 07:46:00 GMT+11

  1.  m(∠1)
  2.  m(∠2)
  3.  m(∠ABF)
  4.  m(∠DBE)

Correct Answer

(1) 50
(2) 100
(3) 30
(4) 30



To answer part a and b, we will use the property of vertical angles.  To answer part c, we will write an equation involving m(∠ABF) that mathematically models the situation.  To answer part d, use the property of vertical angles after you answer part c


For part a, we note that \(\overleftrightarrow{AD}\) and \(\overleftrightarrow{BC}\) intersect to form vertical angles.  For part b, note that \(\overleftrightarrow{FE}\) and \(\overleftrightarrow{BC}\) intersect to form vertical angles as well.  For part c, we can solve the equation to find the unknown m(∠ABF); then for part d, m(∠DBE) is simply equals to m(∠ABF) because they are vertical angles.


  1. If we ignore \(\overleftrightarrow{FE}\) for the moment, we see that \(\overleftrightarrow{AD}\) and \(\overleftrightarrow{BC}\) intersect to form the pair of vertical angles ∠CBD and ∠1.  By the property of vertical angles,

    CBD ≅ ∠1 (Read as "angle CBD is congruent to angle one.")

     Since congruent angles have the same measures,

    m(∠CBD) = m(∠1) 

    In the figure, we are given m(∠CBD) = 50o.  Thus, m(∠1) can write m(∠1) = 50o.

  1. We see that (\overleftrightarrow{FE}\) and (\overleftrightarrow{BC}\) intersect to form the pair of vertical angles ∠FBC and ∠2.  By the property of vertical angles 

    FBC ≅ ∠2  which means they have the same measure

    m(∠FBC) = m(2)

  1. Since ∠ABC is a straignt angle, the sum of the measures of ∠ABF, the 100o angle, and the 50o angle is 180o. If we let x = m(∠ABF), we have
    • x + 100o + 50o = 180o
      • The word sum indicates addition
    • x + 150o = 180o
      • On the left side, combine like terms: 100o + 50o = 150o
    • x = 30o
      • To isolate x, undo the addition of 150o by subtracting 150o from both sides: 180o - 150o = 30o

    Thus, m(∠ABF) = 30o

  1. I hope you noticed by now that ∠ABF and ∠DBE are vertical angles, which means their measures are equal.  From point c, you know that m(∠ABF) = 30o

    m(∠DBE) = 30o


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