
Match algebraic expressions for additions

publish date2022/06/24 02:01:00 GMT+10


Match the algebraic expression with the right word phrase

  1. the sum of a and 8
  2. 4 plus c
  3. 16 added to m
  4. 4 more than t
  5. 20 greater than F
  6. increased by r
  7. exceeds by 35
Please drag and drop the selected option in the right place or type it instead
m + 16
a + 8
T + r
t + 4
F + 20
4 + c
y + 35

Correct Answer

(1) a + 8
(2) 4 + c
(3) m + 16
(4) t + 4
(5) F + 20
(6) T + r
(7) y + 35


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