
Algebra is the language of mathematics. Providing you with challenging and educational quizzes

Basic knowledge of Algebra history, definitions, and properties

Topics  (12)

In algebra, we frequently replace one algebraic expression with another that is equivalent and simpler in form. That process, called simplifying an algebraic expression, often involves the use of one or more properties of real numbers.

Topics  (6)

There are four properties of equality that are used to solve equations

Topics  (7)

Find out how to use equations to solve real life problems

Topics  (2)

Learn how to use the definition of exponent to develop some rules for simplifying expressions that contain exponents

Topics  (4)

Expanding quadratic expressions is very important. It should be very easy as well. Do not be scared. Take the quiz and try it yourself

Questions  (4)

Another quiz showing how to do equation expansion

Questions  (8)

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