
Match algebraic expressions for subtractions

publish date2022/06/24 02:14:00 GMT+10


Match key phrases with the right algebraic expressions

  1. 23 - P
  2. 550 - h
  3. w - 18
  4. 7 - j
  5. M - x
  6. L - 12
  7. 5 - f
Please drag and drop the selected option in the right place or type it instead
550 minus h
7 decreased by j
18 less than w
The difference of 23 and P
M reduced by x
5 less f
12 subtracted from L

Correct Answer

(1) The difference of 23 and P
(2) 550 minus h
(3) 18 less than w
(4) 7 decreased by j
(5) M reduced by x
(6) 12 subtracted from L
(7) 5 less f



Be careful when translating subtraction. Order is important. For example, when a translation involves the phrase less than, note how the terms are reversed

18 less than   w - 18     (w came first in algebraic expression because of the subtraction)


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