Force and Motion

Speed, acceleration, velocity and more.

Important definitions in force and motion

Questions  (5)

Levers makes the task perform easily by doing one of the following functions

Questions  (6)

Levers makes the task perform easily by doing one of the following functions

Questions  (6)

Speed is a very important concept in physics to explain one of the most important characteristics of moving objects.

Questions  (7)

Gaining speed

Questions  (6)

Objects accelerate if drop freely near the surface of the earth

Questions  (7)

Velocity tells us more about things that we need to know about motion

Questions  (11)

An example of a moving balloon that drops a sandbag

Questions  (10)

Do forces add to each other? is it like math?

Questions  (4)

Mathematical methods to calculate vector addition and net force

Questions  (3)

General questions about force and motion

Questions  (10)

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