Subscription Validation

Description allows the use of its REST APIs.  

  • registration_id: this is the user name of the subscriber used for the subscription
  • subscription_method: referer or ip.  If referer, then the domain name will be validated to authorise it according to the subscription.  If ip, then the source ip will be a validated to authorise it according to the subscription.


  • registration_id (string, required): the registration id, which is the user name, registered in the website
  • subscription_method (string, required): the subscription method will be either referrer or ip

Error Codes

  1. 400 Bad Request

    • Description: Indicates that the request is missing required parameters or contains invalid parameter values.

    • Conditions:

      • Missing registration_id parameter.
      • Missing subscription_method parameter.
      • Invalid subscription_method value (must be either referer or ip).
    • Example Responses:

      • Missing registration_id:
          "valid": false,
          "code": 400,
          "message": "Missing registration_id parameter"
      • Missing subscription_method:
          "valid": false,
          "code": 400,
          "message": "Missing method parameter"
      • Invalid subscription_method value:
          "valid": false,
          "code": 400,
          "message": "Invalid method parameter value. Allowed values are 'referer' or 'ip'"
  2. 401 Unauthorized

    • Description: Indicates that the subscription is either inactive, expired, or the request comes from an unauthorized domain or IP address.

    • Conditions:

      • Subscription is not active.
      • Subscription is expired (current date is outside the subscription validity period).
      • Unauthorized referer domain.
      • Unauthorized source IP address.
    • Example Responses:

      • Inactive subscription:
          "valid": false,
          "code": 401,
          "message": "Subscription for user123 is not active"
      • Expired subscription:
          "valid": false,
          "code": 401,
          "message": "Subscription for user123 is expired"
      • Unauthorized referer domain:
          "valid": false,
          "code": 401,
          "message": "Referer domain is not authorized"
      • Unauthorized source IP address:
          "valid": false,
          "code": 401,
          "message": "Source IP address is not authorized"
  3. 404 Not Found

    • Description: Indicates that the user is not registered or there is no subscription for the user.

    • Conditions:

      • User is not registered.
      • No subscription found for the user.
    • Example Responses:

      • User not registered:
          "valid": false,
          "code": 404,
          "message": "User user123 is not registered in the website. It must be registered first then subscribed"
      • No subscription for the user:
          "valid": false,
          "code": 404,
          "message": "There is no subscription for user123" 

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