
Solve the following equation

publish date2023/11/06 00:36:48.153645 UTC


-6.02 = -8.6t

Missing Word

Correct Answer



To isolate t on the right side, we use the division property of equality.  We can undo the multiplication by -8.6 by dividing both sides by -8.6

  • This is the equation to solve
    • -6.02 = -8.6t
  • Use the division property of equality.  Divide both sides by -8.6
    • \(\frac{-6.02}{-8.6}\ = \frac{-8.6t}{-8.6}\)
  • On the left side, do the division.  The quotient of two negative numbers is positive.  On the right side, simplify by removing the common factor of -8.6 from the numerator and denominator: \(\require{cancel} \frac{\cancel{8.6}^1t}{\cancel{8.6}_1}\)

The solution is 0.7.  Verify that this is correct by checking.


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