Newton's Laws of Motion

Three basic laws of classical mechanics that describe the relationship between the motion of an object and the forces acting on it

Mass and Inertia: Newton's First Law

Questions  (7)

important definitions related to Newton's Laws of Motion

Questions  (2)

The relationship between force, mass and acceleration

Questions  (7)

Acceleration has a direction

Questions  (5)

What is the correct unit of force?

Questions  (5)

Does gravity act as a force on objects? Take the quiz and know more

Questions  (9)

Will a falling object accelerate indefinitely?

Questions  (7)

Is mass different from weight? Take this quiz and test your knowledge

Questions  (7)

Is there a force acting on an object moving in a circle? Take the quiz to know it

Questions  (6)

What do you know about Newton's third law? Take the quiz to learn about it.

Questions  (7)

Take this self-test to review important knowledge of Newton's Laws of Motion

Questions  (11)

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